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smarty Super User

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Posted: August 08 2014 at 19:09 | IP Logged
Great!!! Waiting to give that a try.
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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smarty Super User

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Posted: August 12 2014 at 20:55 | IP Logged
Seeing this error message every couple of days. I am able to reconnect by rechecking the controller check box...but it seems too take a try or two first.
A critical error occurred at 2014-08-12 12:33:05.759.
PowerHome Version: 2.1.5a
Error Number: 39
Error Message: Error accessing external object property protocol at line 6 in function f_reconnect of object uo_controller_globalcache.
Window: uo_controller_globalcache
Object: uo_controller_globalcache
Event: f_reconnect
Line: 6
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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Jaaay Newbie

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Posted: August 16 2014 at 13:09 | IP Logged
Hi Everyone.
I am having a interesting issue with ph_geturl1.
When I use it, powerhome freezes up? I am trying to use
it to send status updates to PHCA. I am running Windows
2008 R2? and just upgraded to 2.1.5. It was working prior
to the upgrade so I am not sure what I might have missed.
Any thoughts or ideas??
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: August 18 2014 at 20:11 | IP Logged
Not sure why your global cache would need to constantly reconnect and Im wondering if you might be accessing by some other program while PowerHome is connected.
In any event, Ive analyzed the code around the error and while I couldnt find anything wrong, I decided to rewrite the reconnect code. Im hoping this will take care of the issue.
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: August 18 2014 at 20:15 | IP Logged
Are you using ph_geturl1 to query the PowerHome webserver? If so, then this is probably what is causing your issue. The execution queue is most likely coming in contention with the web server and causing the hang.
Since you say you're trying to update PHCA, Im assuming you're querying the web based Device Status page. If so, I would rewrite your code to use the ph_webds function vs the ph_geturl1 function. That should clear the problem.
Let me know if this is not your issue.
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dhoward Admin Group

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Posted: August 18 2014 at 21:53 | IP Logged
Sorry to take so long getting back to you on your VSP problems. Ive been looking at the code and trying to rework various aspects but cant anything that may be wrong.
Im wondering if you can give me an update on how your system is working and whether you're using the HW-VSP or got the PH_VSP plugin working again.
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smarty Super User

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Posted: August 19 2014 at 21:08 | IP Logged
I am presently using three separate instances of the HW-VSP for the three serial controls that I need (I am NOT using the PH_VSP.phvsp plugin). This works and appears to be stable (but a pain since it IS not integrated into PH).
I believe that I would have to UN-install the HW-VSP software prior to re-trying the PH plugin (and them I may have to re register the plugin). I am willing to try this again.
Since the time I started using the 3 instances of the HW-VSP, the only errors I have seen are related to the disconnection of my wifi to IR glabal cache itach controller (see two posts up). I wonder if having two global cache controllers (one for my wifi to IR, and one for my GC100-12) are somehow causing my problems???
The fact that the wifi to IR periodically disconnects could be a function of periodic wifi interference (no big deal a long as it can re-connect without the error above). Could this disconnect/reconnect error be related to the PH-VSP issues I have seen???
I wonder if there is anything you may "see" that I have overlooked within the set-up of the controllers, plugin or elsewhere within PH. My system can be "remoted" into if you wish (please PM me).
Let me say that your help is truly appreciated. More than happy to send you some $$, your program has been running my VERY automated house for 6+ years
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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nick7920 Senior Member

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Posted: August 23 2014 at 14:33 | IP Logged
I did the update to 2.1.5a last night from 2.1.4
Not all of the global variable transferred. (I would say
last 10 or so missing when update done)
I have two 2441V RF adapter. (thermostat). I am sure that
we cant read the coolsetpoint on these but in this PH
version you will get the Heatsetpoint reading in return
when trying to read coolsetpoint.
update: global variable even after adding manually again, if I use the database maintenance utility it will again lose/remove those records.
Edited by nick7920 - August 23 2014 at 23:33
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 06:09 | IP Logged
Setting up the STATS is a bit tricky but not hard once you
know the steps needed.
Open up the PH Help guide and under the Contents Tab look
at the "Setting up Insteon Thermostats". After
experiencing the same kind of challenges you are facing, I
wrote that guide to document what was needed.
Hopefully it will help you.
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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nick7920 Senior Member

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 11:22 | IP Logged
GadgetGuy wrote:
Setting up the STATS is a bit tricky but not hard once you
know the steps needed.
Open up the PH Help guide and under the Contents Tab look
at the "Setting up Insteon Thermostats". After
experiencing the same kind of challenges you are facing, I
wrote that guide to document what was needed.
Hopefully it will help you.
Thanks but I don't have the any problem in setting up as new way I already converted all my macro to new format - only when data is returned I believed you cant read back cool set point. (that also I can ignore it since that option use to rerun zero before)
My bigger issue is the Global variable being lost every time you run database management.
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GadgetGuy Super User

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 11:51 | IP Logged
only when data is returned I believed you cant read back cool set point |
Nick - Have you read the FAQ entirely and followed it? You won't get set point, or other information, back unless you have all the Device Definitions, Responder Links to your PLC/PLM, and Triggers set up properly. More than just Macros are required.
The set point is definitely readable. Here is my info as of a moment ago...
Edited by GadgetGuy - August 24 2014 at 11:52
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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nick7920 Senior Member

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 14:11 | IP Logged
are you using 2441V RF ? or newer 2441TH. mine is 2441V RF and of Couse new analog way to define the all the setting otherwise I wont be able to get the rest of the information, I am only missing cool set point info.
Also update on my other problem global variable, I found that one of my variable was very long I was using for some other testing if I remove or make that to smaller in size data management will not lose my variables. so in short new data management utility has problem with very long size of data which I had no problem in previous version.
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Jaaay Newbie

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 14:32 | IP Logged
I am trying to call the PHCA server not the PH web
I am just sending text status messages to the phone.
My code:
ph_geturl1("{PHCA_SERVER}&cloudpushtest=TEST Good",2,20)
PHCA_Server =
Example is similar to this post
If I bypass PH and just use IE or chrome I can send the
text to the phone, so I can reach the PHCA server from
the box.
I am wondering if something is not registered correctly
for the new version.
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GadgetGuy Super User

Joined: June 01 2008 Location: United States
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Posted: August 24 2014 at 15:11 | IP Logged
are you using 2441V RF ? or newer 2441TH. |
Nick - I am using both a 2441V and a 2441TH. We have a
zoned HVAC system so I have two STATS, one on the lower
level and one above.
Both stats are working fine in PH.
The 2441V was the trickiest to set up as it is an newer
I2CS device. I had issues getting mine to work as it
appears that SmartHome may have put a Firewall on that
device to prevent programmatic setup of it.
Do you recall if you got past the "CREATE I2CS INITIAL"
effort when you tried to add your STAT as a new Device?
Here is what Dave advised me to do when I had a problem
adding the 2441V...
"If you can't successfully add the 2441V as a new device
because the ADD process gets hung up is to try to change
your entry for the 2441TH in the devices tab from I2CS to
I2 (the IEngine column way to the right). Save, clear any
comm/disabled issues and see what happens. If the device
not flagged as I2CS, then the CREATE INITIAL I2CS will
never be queued and so next up is the CREATE CTLR LINK
messages. See if these will actually process and if they
do, when complete, you can change the IEngine back to
I2CS as PowerHome will now have the links that it needs
in its database."
Just thinkin'
__________________ Ken B - Live every day like it's your last. Eventually, you'll get it right!
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nick7920 Senior Member

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 15:30 | IP Logged
Jaaay wrote:
ph_geturl1("{PHCA_SERVER}&cloudpushtest=TEST Good",2,20)
PHCA_Server =
I am also having same problem with ph_geturl1 trying to access https of skip's above site. it takes lot longer to even time out than give time.
Edited by nick7920 - August 24 2014 at 15:34
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nick7920 Senior Member

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Posted: August 24 2014 at 16:12 | IP Logged
nick7920 wrote:
Jaaay wrote:
ph_geturl1("{PHCA_SERVER}&cloudpushtest=TEST Good",2,20)
PHCA_Server =
I am also having same problem with ph_geturl1 trying to access https of skip's above site. it takes lot longer to even time out than give time. |
okay found the different command that will work
or PHCA example
ph_getitcurl("{PHCA_SERVER}&cloudpushtest=TEST good",20)
(ph_getitcurl - This particular function uses the Microsoft ITC to accomplish this task. )
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smarty Super User

Joined: May 21 2006 Location: United States
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Posted: August 27 2014 at 09:37 | IP Logged
smarty wrote:
I am presently using three separate instances of the HW-VSP for the three serial controls that I need (I am NOT using the PH_VSP.phvsp plugin). This works and appears to be stable (but a pain since it IS not integrated into PH).
I believe that I would have to UN-install the HW-VSP software prior to re-trying the PH plugin (and them I may have to re register the plugin). I am willing to try this again.
Since the time I started using the 3 instances of the HW-VSP, the only errors I have seen are related to the disconnection of my wifi to IR glabal cache itach controller (see two posts up). I wonder if having two global cache controllers (one for my wifi to IR, and one for my GC100-12) are somehow causing my problems???
The fact that the wifi to IR periodically disconnects could be a function of periodic wifi interference (no big deal a long as it can re-connect without the error above). Could this disconnect/reconnect error be related to the PH-VSP issues I have seen???
I wonder if there is anything you may "see" that I have overlooked within the set-up of the controllers, plugin or elsewhere within PH. My system can be "remoted" into if you wish (please PM me).
Let me say that your help is truly appreciated. More than happy to send you some $$, your program has been running my VERY automated house for 6+ years
Still going staring using the 3 instances of the HW-VSP. The PH internal plugin would help with start-ups and is still desirable for me.
Have seen a decreased amount of GlobalCache controller disconnects (that were causing fatal errors) explainable reason for their disappearance...
__________________ Elk - Insteon - BlueIris - DMC1 - PowerHome - XLobby - HA_Bridge w/Dots - Brultech
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Jaaay Newbie

Joined: July 01 2012
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Posted: August 30 2014 at 15:47 | IP Logged
nick7920 wrote:
nick7920 wrote:
Jaaay wrote:
PHCA_Server =
I am also having same problem with ph_geturl1 trying
to access https of skip's above site. it takes lot
longer to even time out than give time. |
okay found the different command that will work
or PHCA example
(ph_getitcurl - This particular function uses the
Microsoft ITC to accomplish this task. )
Nick, That command also works for me!! Thanks, I own
you one!
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TonyNo Moderator Group

Joined: December 05 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: September 04 2014 at 17:40 | IP Logged
Still seeing built-in, web page graphic links broken in 2.1.5a. One is...
It should be...
Any ideas on what to check?
Edited by TonyNo - September 04 2014 at 17:41
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TonyNo Moderator Group

Joined: December 05 2001 Location: United States
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Posted: September 04 2014 at 19:36 | IP Logged
Umm. I lost TTS, to...
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