gmusgrave Newbie

Joined: July 21 2008 Location: Mexico
Online Status: Offline Posts: 2
Posted: July 21 2008 at 10:47 | IP Logged
Would it be possible to add a flexible Daylight Savings rule function for your non-US users?
As you know, Daylight Savings starts and ends on different dates in different parts of the world.
For example, for 2008, the US & Canada start and stop on March 9 and November 2, respectively. Mexico (where I live) starts and stops on April 6 and October 26, respectively. Most of Europe starts and stops on March 30 and October 26, respectively.
Countries in the souther hemisphere, where winter and summer are reversed relative to the northern hemisphere, are "backwards" and start daylight savings in the fall and end it in the spring -- for example, Uruguay starts and stops DST this year on October 5 and March 9, respectively. In Australia some states change DST at a different time than do others -- thus, it starts and stops at different times within the country.
Further, the hour on which the change occurs can vary. For example in England DST starts at 1:00am and ends at 2:00am, in the US and Canada it starts and ends at 2:00am, in parts of Australia it changes at 3:00am.
Perhaps you could include drop-down boxes on the sun page (where we enter our latitude and longitude) that allow the user to modify the DST rules to suit the locale. You can, of course, default these values to the rules for the US and Canada, if that is your largest customer base.
It could look something like:
DST start: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last DAY_OF_WEEK in MONTH at TIME
DST end: First/Second/Third/Fourth/Last DAY_OF_WEEK in MONTH at TIME
This would add a great deal more flexibility, and would prevent our lights from being out of sync for a week or two twice a year.
Garry Musgrave